Student and Family Resources
This page identifies resources and links to other websites that would appear useful to our readers.
The purpose of the Homeless Innovative Program (HIP) grant is to identify innovative practices previously implemented and aligned with the provisions of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act to improve the educational stability, access, support, and academic achievement of children and youth experiencing homelessness. As a HIP grantee, Lennox School District has developed AVANZA to provide liaisons throughout the state with proven practices and program implementation strategies that will support children and families experiencing homelessness.
AVANZA Provides families with resources to build a strong foundation for a better future based on a whole-child and whole-family approach. Our MIP Toolkit is centered on trauma informed supports that promote healing. This includes a curriculum for art-centered parent engagement groups and art expression groups for at-promise students, expanded learning opportunities and wrap around services, as well as developed Care Closets on every school campus for students and families.
Care Closets
To ensure that our students have the tools and resources necessary to feel safe, supported and ready to learn, we implemented Care Closets at our school sites. A Care Closet is a resource center that provides students with basic necessities such as food, clothing, school supplies and hygiene products. The purpose of the Care Closet is to support students who may be experiencing financial hardships or other difficulties, such as housing insecurities, that make it challenging to access these basic necessities.