Measure CL : Supporting the Lennox School District since 2012
Background Information on Measure CL
On November 6, 2012, Lennox voters approved Measure CL (Parcel Tax). This measure authorized the Local Classrooms Funding Authority (Authority), a Joint Powers Authority (JPA) created by the Hawthorne School District (Hawthorne), the Lawndale School District (Lawndale), the Lennox School District (Lennox), the Wiseburn School District (Wiseburn) and the Centinela Valley Union High School District (Centinela) to levy an annual tax of 2¢/square foot of lot for residential property and 7.5¢/square foot for other property types with exemptions for citizens over the age of 65, if they applied. This parcel tax commenced on July 1, 2013 and remains in effect indefinitely.
In each year the qualified special tax is levied, the Authority’s Board and Agency shall take any action necessary to allow the appropriate County officer(s) to distribute the proceeds of that tax directly to each school district. Pursuant to the Agreement, based on the Average Daily Attendance and potential tax proceeds from the parcels located within each school district, each school district shall receive the following fixed proportion of the proceeds of the tax:
- Centinela shall receive 40% of the proceeds of the qualified special tax
- Hawthorne shall receive 16.6% of the proceeds of the qualified special tax
- Lawndale shall receive 14.7% of the proceeds of the qualified special tax
- Lennox shall receive 8.7% of the proceeds of the qualified special tax
- Wiseburn shall receive 20% of the proceeds of the qualified special tax
Any funds left unallocated shall be split equally among the Members eligible to receive proceeds from the qualified tax. The proceeds of the qualified special tax shall be applied only to the specific purposes identified in the Full Ballot Text:
- Protect academic quality in local K-12 schools
- Maintain math, science, English programs
- Provide education for students with disabilities/special needs
- Support computer technology and school security
- Prepare students for college/careers
- Retain excellent teachers
The Authority shall prepare and file with the Board and the governing board of its Members a report/audit detailing the amount of funds collected and expended no later than December 31 of each year while the qualified special tax is in effect. The Authority shall provide for the creation of an independent citizens’ oversight committee to review the allocation of the qualified special taxes collected pursuant to the Measure to ensure that moneys raised under this Measure are allocated in accordance with this Measure.
Safety equipment installation - Door buzzers
Through the use of Measure CL funding, the Lennox School District
has increased security across our school sites by installing 2-way door buzzers to allow us to screen guests prior to them entering the school district. With this our students, community and staff can feel safe while they are on site.

Safety equipment installation - Cameras
Cameras have been installed at the school sites in key locations to allow for better supervision.
This allows us to ensure our sites are safe during school hours and allows us the ability to see if any unsupervised and potentially dangerous activity is happening after hours. Working with our partners we can pin point activity at the school sites and continuously create a safer campus both during school hours and non school hours.

Perimeter fencing
The newly installed perimeter fencing is a direct result of this measure, ensuring the top safety of our students, staff, and campuses. The fencing, installed at Buford Elementary and Lennox Middle School increases the security on site drastically. This will deter any bad actors from entering campus and engaging with our students, which is one of our highest priorities here.
Lennox Middle School Exterior Fencing Facing the Freeway

Lennox Middle School Exterior Fencing Facing Buford Avenue

Buford Elementary School Exterior Fencing